안녕하세요? 국내외 기업의 우수 인재 채용을 담당하는 Search Firm 하이잡 김지선입니다. 외국계 화학기업의 OLED 부문 글로벌 R&D센터에서 근무하실 석/박사급 연구원을 채용하고 있습니다.
두 포지션 모두 40대 초반까지 가능하며, 근무지는 서울입니다.
관심있는 분께서 문의주시면 상세한 기업 소개를 드리고 있으니,
아래 담당자에게 연락주시기 바랍니다.
채용담당: 김지선 과장 (070-7124-1953 / jskim@hijob.co.kr)
[1] OLED Device 개발 Senior Scientist
▷ Responsibilities
- Device fabrication, characterization and analysis
- Expansion of testing capabilities to characterize inks and devices, design and implementation of new methods and equipment
- Communicating insightful findings to peer teams in order to develop a best in class product portfolio with appropriate IP protection
- Act as the functional expert on Device architecture, evaluation and analysis
- Work closely with peers groups and represent the company in meetings with external partners/customers/service providers
- Collaborate closely with internal chemical synthesis, material validation and pilot/scale up teams
- Work with management to develop roadmaps and other strategic plans
▷ Requirements
- Master degree required, PhD degree preferred in Device Physics or related field of study
- More than 5 years’ experience in related field
- Experience in OLED device architecture and analysis
- Experience in Printable OLED testing device fabrication.
- Management experience preferred
- Excellent communication skills.
[2] Ink Formulation Scientist
▷ Responsibilities
- Inks formulation for customized process and device
- Expanding company testing capabilities to characterize inks and film (design and set-up of equipment)
- Communicating insightful findings to the Materials team in order to continuously develop a best in class product portfolio with appropriate IP protection
- Identifying the optimal range of compatible ink formulations with best film properties to develop product portfolio;
- Establish inks key specifications and users guideline.
- Work closely with peers groups and represents the company in meetings with external partners/customers/service providers
- Collaborate closely with internal chemical, device fabrication and pilot/scale up teams
- Work with management to develop roadmaps and other strategic plans
- Act as the functional expert on ink formulation, evaluation and analysis.
▷ Requirements
- Master degree required, PhD degree preferred in Organic Materials or a related field of study
- Experience in Ink formulations for Ink Jet Printer
- Experience Printed device development, preferably OLED.
- 7+ years of Experience in related field.
- Excellent communication skills