신진연구자 심포지엄 I : 첨단화공 모델링
2012년 4월 26일(목) 09:00~10:40, G발표장
사회 : 안동준 (고려대학교)
09:00 Process modeling and simulation for carbon capture and storage
임영섭 (서울대학교)
09:20 Multiscale simulations of nanoparticles, polymers, and membranes for drug delivery and nanopore applications
이환규 (단국대학교)
09:40 Molecular modeling and simulations of polymer/nanomaterials
백충기 (울산과학기술대학교)
10:00 Experimental and computational analysis of tensioned-web-over-slot die coating
남재욱 (성균관대학교)
10:20 Catalytic activity of Pd-based alloys studied from first-principles
함형철 (KIST)
신진연구자 심포지엄 II : 에너지
2012년 4월 26일(목) 09:00~10:40, H발표장
사회 : 이강택 (연세대학교)
09:00 Automotive catalysts for clean and fuel-efficient transportation: From laboratory studies to field applications
김도희 (서울대학교)
09:20 Synthetic biology: Applying engineering to biology: Rewiring of genetic network for advanced biofuels in engineered E. coli
우한민 (KIST)
09:40 CO2 separation/capture and olefin/paraffin separation using metal-organic frameworks
배윤상 (연세대학교)
10:00 Organic-inorganic composite membranes for PEM fuel cells
박기태 (한국에너지기술연구원)
10:20 Development of fouling index in the IGCC gasifier
허려화 (고등기술연구원)
신진연구자 심포지엄 III : 화공소재 / 신진연구자 심포지엄 IV : 생명화공
2012년 4월 26일(목) 14:00~18:10, G발표장
사회 : 안동준 (고려대학교)
14:00 Electrical transport in semiconductor nanomaterials
강문성 (숭실대학교)
14:20 Initiated chemical vapor deposited polymeric coatings and their application to electronic devices
임성갑 (KAIST)
14:40 Viscosity and interfacial properties in a marine-invertebrate inspired adhesive coacervate
15:00 Microstructural control to achieve high performance MFI type zeolite membranes
최정규 (고려대학교)
15:20 Orientation of a helical nanofilament (B4) liquid-crystal phase
윤동기 (KAIST)
15:40 Sub-10nm patterns by hierarchical self-assembly of Si-containing block copolymers
손정곤 (KIST)
16:10 Drug-eluting microarrays for cell-based screening of chemical-induced apoptosis
권정훈 (한양대학교)
16:30 Microneedle patches for improved vaccination
김유천 (KAIST)
16:50 Enabling micro-/nano-tools for quantitative biology
최낙원 (KIST)
17:10 Development and application of mass spectrometry-based metabolomics methods for disease biomarker identification
김윤곤 (숭실대학교)
17:30 Efficient myogenic commitment of hESC-derived cells on the biomimetic substrate replicating myoblast topography
황석연 (서울대학교)
17:50 질병 인자에 반응하는 인간 면역세포들에 대한 나노기술을 이용한 초정밀 분석을 통한 생체 내 면역반응 기작의 규명과 질병의 진단
최종훈 (KIST)