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한국화학공학회 정기간행물 투고요령
(Instructions to Authors : The Korean Journal
of Chemical Engineering) |
- The Korean J. Chem. Eng. is a
general journal for the publication
of significant research results
in all areas of chemical engineering.
Papers will be published only if
they are considered by the Editors
to be of potential industrial significance
and specifically concerned with
chemical engineering. The editors
will give preference to papers having
a clearly stated practical scope
and applicability in the areas of
chemical engineering, and to those
where new theoretical concepts are
supported by new experimental details.
The contents of manuscripts must
be written in English. The authors
are encouraged to submit names and
addresses of potential reviewers
for their manuscripts, which helps
the editors speed up the editorial
process. Four types of manuscripts
are published in the journal: Journal
Reviews, Research Papers, Rapid Communications, Letters to the Editor.
Authors can submit both of format manuscript written in English as well as Korean.
- Invited Review Papers are critical
reviews for specific topics and hot issues
of chemical engineering in order to inform
the general reader of the background,
state of art, and outstanding research progress.
A notable scholar is invited by the Editor-in-Chief
through the advice of the Editors.
- Journal Reviews are critical reviews
of important areas of chemical engineering
in order to inform the general reader
of the background, state of art,
and outstanding research problems.
Authors planning a Journal Review
should consult the Editor. Journal
Review is commissioned by the Editor-in-Chief
through the advice of the Editors.
- Full-length research papers describe
important new experimental or theoretical
results and normally receive two
reviews. Timely, critical, in-depth
reviews in areas appropriate to
the journal are invited. They should
set the chosen field in perspective
and give the reader some critical
guidance in the evaluation of the
present chemical engineering. There
is no fixed maximum length for full-length
papers, but they rarely exceed 30
double-spaced, typewritten pages
including figures and tables. The
format for full-length research
papers is described below.
Title and Authors : The
title should emphasize the principal
objective covered by the paper.
Use full name and, in a footnote,
indicate the author to whom correspondence
should be directed. Give the address
of the institution where the work
was done and show in a footnote,
if desired, any author's address
that is different. Abstract
: The abstract should state
the objectives and present salient
conclusions in no more than 150
words. It has to be a clear, concise
summary giving scope and purpose,
methods or procedures, significant
new results, and conclusions.
Running title and Key
words : Each authors should
provide the Running title appropriate
for the paper and five Key words
for subject Index. Introduction
: The paper begins with an
introduction that is written for
the general reader of the Journal,
not for the specialist. This section
should include the objectives,
the significant prior work, and
major results. Body
: Each author may choose the
format best suited to the paper.
Writing should be concise, eliminating
details that are not essential
to the development and are readily
available in previously published
papers, or accessible reports.
Text should be sectionalizd by
inserting appropriate headings.
Units : SI system
must be used for all dimensional
quantities. Acknowledgement
: Acknowledgement section
is placed at the end of body.
It could cite financial support
and meeting information.
Nomenclature : Symbols
used in the text or in equations
should be collected and identified
in a table of nomenclature with
definitions and dimensions near
the end of the paper prior to
the references section. Roman
symbols should be listed alphabetically
in the table first, then Greek
symbols. The symbols should be
those commonly used in chemical
engineering. References
: References cited in the
text should be numbered consecutively
in the order of their appearance
in the text, and the complete
list of the references should
appear at the end of the text.
References in the text should
be cited with numerals in brackets
such as [2] or [3,7,9]. Abbreviations
of journals should conform to
Chemical Abstracts. Example reference
formats are given below.
- L.
Zhou and H. Y. Sohn, AIChE
J., 42, 3102 (1996).
- W.
J. Kim, C. H. Choi and S.
H. Moon, Korean J. Chem.
Eng., 19, 617 (2002).
- C.-J.
Kim and G. Seo, Korean
Chem. Eng. Res., 42,
532 (2004).
- N.
Wakao and S. Kaguei, Heat
and mass transfer in packed
beds, Gordon and Breach
Sci. Publications, New York
- R.
G. Kander and M. E. Paulaitis,
in Chemical engineering
at supercritical fluid conditions,
M. E. Paulaitis, J. M. L.
Penninger, R. D. Gray Jr.
and P. Davidson Eds., Ann
Arbor Science, Ann Arbor (1983).
- R.
W. Neuzil and J. W. Priegnitz,
US Patent, 4,024,331 (1977).
Figures : Each figure should
be numbered. Drawings and charts
should be carefully made with
black ink on white or blue drawing
paper. It should be of sufficient
size so that after photoreduction
to a single column width (8cm)
and the smallest letter will be
2mm. Legend should be placed in
the white space of the drawings,
not in the caption. The figure
should be drawn with a grid in
which spacing is commensurated
with the accuracy implied in the
plot. Original drawing should
be retained by the authors until
requested by the editor. Photographs
can be accepted with additional
charge if essential to the paper.
All captions for figures should
be typed on a separate sheet.
Tables : Tables should
be numbered in Arabic numerals.
They should have brief descriptive
titles and should be appended
to the paper. Column headings
should be appended to the paper.
Avoid tables and graphs which
involve duplication. If you can
use a graph, do not include a
table. If the reader needs the
table, omit the graph. Substitute
a few typical results for lengthy
tables when practical. Tables
should be numbered by the order
of mention in the text.
Equations :All equations
should be numbered in Arabic numerals.
Rapid communications present new experimental or theoretical content requiring rapid dissemination.
Authors should clarify in the cover letter to the editor why the contribution deserves rapid publication.
A rapid communication should not normally exceed two or three printed journal pages.
- Letter to the editor may be submitted
on any subject of interest to the
Journal readership. Letters commenting
on previously published articles
will normally be sent to the authors
of the previous publication for
possible response prior to publication.
A letter should not normally exceed
500 words on double-spaced typewritten
- Authors should submit their manuscripts
to the appropriate editor online
by logging directly onto the website
and upload the manuscripts following
the on-screen instructions. Electronic
submission reduces the editorial
processing and reviewing time and
shortens overall publication times.
If you have any questions or problems
in submitting the manuscripts online,
please contact the Editorial office
All manuscripts are acknowledged
as soon as they are submitted online.
Authors not receiving such an acknowledgement
in a reasonable time should notify
the editor. By submitting a manuscript,
authors agree that the copyright
for their manuscript is transferred
to the publisher if and when it
is accepted for publication. The
original manuscript and diagrams
will be discarded one month after
publication unless the editor is
requested to return the original
material to the author.
- To help defray mechanical and handling costs,
the Korean J. Chem. Eng. Board of Editors has authorized
a charge of $10.00 per printed page plus $10.00 basis
charge for journal papers. Free pdf file will be
supplied to the authors paying page charges.
However, no charges (page and basis) apply for
the article if the corresponding author's affiliation
is out of Korea, but free pdf file will be offered.
Depending on the decision of the board of editors,
the page charge may be waived. An order form for additional
reprints will be sent to the author along with galley proofs.